
A) OCPA Executive Council


YEH, Nai-Chang ncyeh@caltech.edu
149-33, Condensed Matter Physics (tel) 626-395-4313
California Institute of Technology (fax) 626-395-3955
1200 E. Californai Blvd.
Pasadena, CA 91125, USA


CHANG, Albert yingshe@phy.duke.edu
P. O. Box 90305 (tel) 919-660-2596
Duke University (fax) 919-660-2525
Durham, NC 27708, USA


XU, Nu NXu@lbl.gov
Central China Normal University and Lawrence Berkeley National Lab (tel) 510-495-2951
MS70R0319, NSD (fax) 510-486-4818
Berkeley, CA 94720, USA


WONG, Cheuk-Yin wongc@ornl.gov
Physics Dept (tel) 865-574-4582
Oak Ridge National Lab (fax) 865-576-8746
P.O. Box 2008 MS6373
Oak Ridge, TN 37831-6373, USA

Membership Committee Chair

BAI, Mei mbai@bnl.gov
Bldg 911B, C-A Dept. (tel) 631-344-3397
Brookhaven National Lab (fax) 631-344-5954
Upton, NY 11973, USA

Membership Committee Vice Chair

BAO, Lei bao.15@osu.edu
Department of Physics (tel) 614-292-2450
Ohio State University (fax) 614-292-7557
191 W Woodruff Ave.
Columbus, OH 43210-1117, USA

Status of Women in Physics Committee Chair

KWO, Raynien raynien@phys.nthu.edu.tw
Dept. Of Physics (tel) 886-3-574-2800
Nat’l Tsing-Hua University (fax) 886-3-572-3052
101 Section 2 Kuang Fu Road
Hsinchu, Taiwan 30013

Communication Committee Chair

CHEN, Jianping jpchen@jlab.org
MS 12H3, Jefferson Lab (tel) 757-269-7413
12000 Jefferson Ave., Suite 4 (fax) 757-269-5703
Newport News, VA 23606, USA

Communication Committee Vice Chair

Li, Anyi anyili@uw.edu
Institute for Nuclear Theory (tel) 206-685-3967
University of Washington, Box 351550 (fax) 206-685-3730
Seattle, WA 98195-1550, USA

Awards Committee Chair

CHANG, Albert   yingshe@phy.duke.edu
P. O. Box 90305 (tel) 919-660-2596
Duke University (fax) 919-660-2525
Durham, NC 27708, USA

Immediate Past President

GAO, Haiyan gao@tunl.duke.edu
P. O. Box 90305 (tel) 919-660-2622
Duke University (fax) 919-660-2634
Durham, NC 27708, USA


CHAO, Alex Stanford Linear Accelerator
GAO, Haiyan Duke
MOU, Chung-Yu Tsinghua U, Taiwan
PHUA, Kok-Khoo World Scientific Publishing Co, Nanyang NIT, NSU
PENG, Jen-Chieh UIUC U
WENG, Wu-Tsung BNL
WANG, Yi-Fang IHEP, China
YOUNG, Bing-Lin Iowa State U
YUAN, Chien-Peng Michigan State U

B) OCPA Divisional Coordinators

Accelerator Physics TANG, Jingyu (IHEP, Beijing)
Astronomy & Astrophysics KWOK, Sun (Hong Kong U)
Atomic/Molecular & Chemical PU, Han (Rice U)
Chemical Physics DAI, Hai-Lung (Temple University)
Biological Physics ZHONG, Dongping (Ohio State U)
Computational Science LIU, Feng (U. of Utah)
Condensed Matter ZHOU, Xingjiang (Inst. of Physics, CAS)
Gravitation & Cosmology CHEN, Yanbei (Caltech)
High-energy Physics LUK, Kam-Biu (UC Berkeley)
Nuclear Physics YUAN, Feng (LBNL)
Plasma Physics LIN, Yu (Auburn U )
Science Education CHANG, Albert (Duke U) & BAO, Lei (Ohio State U)
Statistical & nonlinear physics LI, Baowen (National U. of Singapore)

C) OCPA Regional Coordinators

Mainland China: ZHOU, Luwei(Fudan U)
Hong Kong: NG, Tai-Kai (UST HK)
Singapore: FENG, Yuan Ping (Nat. Uni. Of Singapore )
Taiwan: LEE, Ting-kuo (Inst. Of Phys. Academia Sinica )
Europe: LUO, Yi (KTH, Sweden)
Canada: GUO, Hong (McGill U)
East coast: QIU, Jianwei (Brookhaven Nationa Lab)
Southeast: NG, Yee Jack   (U North Carolina)
Midwest: LEE, Tsung-Shung (Argonne)
West Coast: HUANG, Zhirong (Stanford Linear Accelerator)

D) Short CV of the OCPA Officers, Councilors and Coordinators

Bai, Mei (柏梅) 2009—present: Tenured scientist, Collider Accelerator Dept., Brookhaven National Lab. 2004—2009: scientist, Collider Accelerator Dept., Brookhaven National Lab. 2001—2004: Associate scientist, Collider Accelerator Dept., Brookhaven National Lab. 1999—2001: Research Associate, Collider Accelerator Dept., Brookhaven National Lab.


Bao, Lei (包雷) Born in Nanjing, China. B.Sc./M.S., SouthEast University, Nanjing China (1993); Ph.D,, University of Maryland (1999); Postdoctoral Research Associate, Kansas State University (1999-2000); The Ohio State University, Assistant Professor (2000-2006), Associate Professor (2007-2011), Professor (2011-present). Research interests: learning theory, quantitative models of assessment, cognitive modeling of conceptual change, development of scientific knowledge, skills and attitudes, development and applications of learning technologies and games.


Chang, Albert M. (張绵福) Albert M. Chang is currently Professor of Physics at Duke University. He held the position of Professor of Physics at Purdue University from 1997-2003, and Member of Technical Staff at Bell Laboratories from 1984-1997. Prof. Chang is a low temperature condensed matter experimentalist specializing in nano- structured devices and systems in reduced dimensions. His interests span a broad range of correlated electronic systems. These include one-dimensional aluminum superconducting nanowires with diameters as narrow as 6 nm (24 atoms), quantum transitions in quantum-dot Kondo spin systems, one-dimensional electron Wigner crystals and correlated states, and chiral Luttinger edge excitations and fractional charge/statistics in the fractional quantum Hall regime. Prof. Chang received his Ph.D. from Princeton University in 1983, his B.Sc. in Physics from the Massachusetts Institute of Technology in 1977, and is a Fellow of the American Physical Society.


Chang, Ngee-Pong (章義朋) Born ’40 in Singapore. B.A., Ohio Wesleyan U, ’59; Ph.D. Columbia U, ’62; post- doc Columbia, ’62; Member, Inst of Adv. Studies, Princeton, ’63; Research Associate, Rockefeller U, ’64; Visiting Prof, CCNY, ’65; Full Prof, CUNY, ’66 – now. Fellow, Japan Society for Promotion of Science, ’74; Fellow, APS, ’76; Member, Committee on International Scientific Affairs (CISA), APS, ’94-96; CISA chair, ’97; Founder, OCPA, ’90; Chair, OCPA ’91-92, ’97-98; Dir. CCNY China- Exchange, ‘81 – now; Nanyang Professor, NTU, Singapore, 05-08. Specialty: Theoretical High-Energy Physics.


Chang, Tu-nan (張圖南) Prof. Emeritus ('12- ), Prof. & Chair ('97-'03), Dept. Phys & Astr, Univ. Southern California. APS Fellow ('89- ); Fellow, Phys. Soc. ROC ('06- ); B.Sc. Tunghai Univ. '66; Ph. D. UC Riverside '72; Postdoc, UC Riverside '72-'73, U. Chicago '73-'75; Faculty at USC '75-'12. President, OCPA '01-'02; President, Academic Senate, USC '94-'96; President, Chinese American Faculty Assoc. of Southern California '96-97; Director, National Center for Theoretical Sciences, Hsinchu, Taiwan '05-'06; Awards: Raubenheimer Distinguished Faculty Award for Excellence in Research, Teaching, and Service at USC; Achievement and Service Award, Chinese American Faculty Assoc. of Southern California; Service Award, OCPA '06; Research: Multi-electron interactions in atomic processes.


Chao, Alexander W. (趙午) B.Sc. '70, Tsing-Hua Univ., Hsin-Chu, Taiwan; Ph.D. '74, State Univ. of New York at Stony Brook; Postdoc, staff, beam dynamics group leader, 1974-84, SLAC; Accelerator Physics Division head 1984-89, SSC Central Design Group; Accel. Phys. Group leader and Asso. Project Manager 1989-93, SSC Laboratory; Professor 1994-, Stanford University. Fellow, American Physical Society; Chair, APS Division of Physics of Beams, 1998-2000; Academician, Academia Sinica, 2002; EPS Wideroe Prize, 2008.


Chen, Jian-ping (陈剑平) Senior Staff Scientist, Jefferson Lab, 2011-present; Staff Scientist, 1994- 2011; Research Staff, MIT, 1992-1994; Postdoc, U. Virginia,1990-1992; Ph.D., U. Virginia, 1990; B.Sc., USTC, 1982. APS Fellow, 2008. Guest Professor, USTC, 2004-present; Guest Professor, CIAE, 2012-present; Adjunct Professor, ODU, 1997-2000; Adjunct Associate Professor, Kent State U.,1997-2000; Chair or member of organizing or advisory committees for over a dozen international conferences; Member of PAC, HiGS @TUNL; JLab BOD, 2003-2005; Spokesperson of JLab experiments. Research interests: electron scattering to study nucleon structure, spin physics, few-body, nuclear medium effects and low energy test of the Standard Model.


Yanbei Chen (陈雁北) Assoc. Prof. of Physics ('10-present), Assist. Prof. ('07-'10), Caltech. B.Sc. Peking U. '99; Ph.D. Caltech '03; Postdoc, Caltech '03-'04; Staff Scientist, Max Planck Inst. for Gravitational Physics, '04-'08. Award: Sofja Kovalevskaya Award of the Alexander von Humboldt Foundation ('04). Research: Gravitational Physics.


Dai, Hai-Lung (戴海龍) Interim Provost and Laura H. Carnell Prof., VP for International Affairs, Temple Univ. ('07-); Hirschmann-Makineni Professor ('02-'07)and Chair ('96-'02) of Dept. Chem. U. Pennsylvania ('84-'06). B.Sc., National Taiwan Univ. ('74); Ph.D., U. California Berkeley ('81); Postdoc MIT ('81-'84). Fellow, APS; Chair ('05) of Div. of Chem. Phys., APS; Fellow, Am. Chem. Soc.; Sloan Fellow ('88); Dreyfus Teacher Scholar ('89); Coblentz Award in Spectroscopy ('90); Morino Lecturer Japan ('92); Humboldt Award for US Senior Scientists Germany ('94); Guggenheim Fellow ('00); Lippincott Award, Optical Soc. Am.('06); Achievement Award, Chinese Inst. Engineers NY ('09); Langmuir Lecturer Award, Am. Chem. Soc. ('12). Research: molecular dynamics and spectroscopy; surface and colloidal sciences; biophysical chemistry.


Feng, Yuan Ping (馮元平) Prof. & Head ('07-present), Dept. Phys., Natl. Univ. of Singapore; B.Sc. Lanzhou U. '82; Ph. D. IIT '87; Postdoc, Purdue U '87-'90; Faculty at NUS since '90. Research: Computational Condensed Matter and Material Physics. (More information may be found at http://www.physics.nus.edu.sg/phyfyp/)


Gao, Haiyan (高海燕) Born in Shanghai, China, B.Sc., Tsinghua University, Beijing, China (1988); Ph.D., California Institute of Technology (1994); Postdoctoral Research Associate, University of Illinois, Urbana-Champaign (1994 - 1996); Assistant Physicist, Argonne National Laboratory (1996 - 1997); MIT, Assistant Professor (1997-2002), Associate Professor (2002-2004); Duke University, Associate Professor (2002-2008), Professor (2008-2012), Henry Newson Professor of Physics (2012 - present), Associate Chair (2006 - 2009), Chair (2011- present), Dept. Physics; Awards and Honor: OJI Award, U.S. Department of Energy (2000), Outstanding Overseas Young Scholar Collaborative Award, National Natural Science Foundation of China (2005); APS Fellow; ChangJiang Scholar Chair Professor, Tsinghua University (2009-2012). Research interests: structure of the nucleon, QCD exotic states, fundamental symmetry studies, and development of polarized gas targets.


Guo, Hong (郭鸿) B.Sc. Sichuan Normal Univ., China, 77-80; M.Sc., Univ. of Pittsburgh, 81-83; Ph.D, Univ. of Pittsburgh, 83-86. Assistant, Associate and full Professor at Department of Physics, McGill University since 1990. James McGill Chair Professor of Physics, 2004-present. Main Research: condensed matter theory, quantum transport theory, first principles calculations, materials theory and computational physics. Director, Center for the Physics of Materials, McGill Univ., 2004-2009. Killam Research Fellowship Award, Canadian Council for Arts, 2004-2006; Brockhouse Medal of Canadian Association of Physicists, 2006; CAP- CRM Prize for Theoretical and Mathematical Physics, 2009. APS Fellow; Fellow of Royal Society of Canada.


Huang, Zhirong (黄志戎) Born '68 in China. B.Sc. '92, Caltech; Ph.D. '98, Stanford University. Staff physicist, Advanced Photon Source, Argonne National Laboratory, 1998-2002; Staff and Senior staff physicist, Beam Physics Department, SLAC National Accelerator Laboratory 2002-2012; Associate Professor of SLAC, Stanford University, 2013-present. APS Outstanding Doctoral Thesis Research Award in Beam Physics, 1999; USPAS prize for achievement in accelerator physics and technology, 2011.


Kwo, J. Raynien (郭瑞年) B.Sc. Physics, National Taiwan University, 1975; Ph.D. Applied Physics, Stanford University, 1981; Member of Technical Staff, Physical Research Division, Bell Laboratories, Murray Hill, New Jersey (1981-2000); Distinguished Member of Technical Staff, Electronic Research Laboratory, Agere Systems, New Jersey (2000-2003); Distinguished Chair Professor, Department of Physics, National Tsing Hua University (6/2003- now); Chair of the Department of Physics, National Tsing Hua University, Hsinchu, Taiwan (8/2005-7/2008); President, Physical Society, Republic of China, (1/2008-12/2009); Director, Center of Condensed Matter Sciences; National Taiwan University (1/2010- 7/2012). Research interest: nanoelectronics, spintronics, magnetic superlattices, superconductivity.


Kwok, Sun (郭新) Dean of Science and Chair Professor of Physics, The University of Hong Kong. Previously, Prof. Kwok has served as Faculty Professor of the University of Calgary in Calgary, Canada, and Director and Distinguished Research Fellow of the Institute of Astronomy and Astrophysics of Academia Sinica of Taiwan. B.Sc. degree in Physics, McMaster University, Canada; M.S. and Ph.D. degrees in Physics, the University of Minnesota, USA. Prof. Kwok was guest observer on many space missions including the Hubble Space Telescope and the Infrared Space Observatory. Between 1994 and 2006, he served as the Principal Investigator for Canada in the international submillimeter- wave satellite Odin which was successfully launched in 2001. Highlight on research achievements: theory on the origin of planetary nebulae and the study of synthesis of organic compounds during the late stages of stellar evolution. His recent books include Organic Matter in the Universe (Wiley 2011), Physics and Chemistry of the Interstellar Medium (USB 2007), Cosmic Butterflies (Cambridge 2001), and Origin and Evolution of Planetary Nebulae (Cambridge 2000). He is currently serving as President of Commission 34 (Interstellar Matter) and Vice President of Commission 51 (Bioastronomy) of the International Union (IAU). He has previously served as Vice President of Division VI (2009-2012) and Chairman of Working Group on Planetary Nebulae (1994-2001) of the IAU.


Lee, Ting-kuo (李定國) Born '49 in Taiwan. B.Sc. Phys, Taiwan Univ. '71; Ph.D. Phys. Brown U '76. City College of CUNY '75-'79; ITP, Santa Barbara '79-81, Dept. of Phys., Virginia Tech '82-'97; Inst. of Phys., Academia Sinica, since '96; Director, Institute of Physics, since '12; Executive Secretary, Central Academic Advisory Committee, Academia Sinica, '07-'12; Head, Phys. Div., NCTS, '97-'03; Executive Director, N. Prog. for NanoS&T, '04-'06; President, Physical Society of Republic of China '06-'07; IUPAP C5 Commission on Low Temperature Physics '05- '11; Member, Asia-Pacific Forum on Novel Quantum Phenomena in Emergent Materials '03 - present; General Council Member, Asia-Pacific Center for Theoretical Physics, Korea,'00 - '08; Executive Secretary, Wu Ta-You Foundation '00 -'04. Y. T. Lee Foundation Scholarship Award, '97; NSC Research Excellence Award '04; Ho Chin Tui Award for Academic Research '05; APS Fellow; Inst. Phys. Fellow (UK); PSROC Fellow. Specialty: theoretical condensed-matter physics, strongly correlated electronic systems, computational phys., optimization algorithms, x-ray diffraction microscopy.


Lee, Tsung-Shung H. (李正雄) 1964 B.Sc., Taiwan Normal University; 1968 MS, Tsing-Hua University; Ph.D 1973, University of Pittsburgh. Research Associate, 1973-1975; Bartol Research Foundation; 1975-1977, Argonne, National Laboratory; 1977 - 1980, Assistant Physicist; 1981-1992, Physicist; 1993 - Present, Senior Physicist, Argonne National Laboratory; 1989 - 1994, Head of Theory Group of Physics Division, Argonne National Laboratory; 2000 -2002, member of Executive Committee; 2003 - 2005, member of Program Committee, Divison of Nuclear Physics, American Physical Society. Fellow, American Physical Society.


Li, Anyi (李安意) Born in Jinan '81. B.Sc., Shandong Univ '03; Ph.D. Univ. of Kentucky '09. Postdoc, Duke '09-'11; Research Associate, Univ. of Washington '11-13; Specialty: Lattice gauge theory, Nuclear physics, Sign problem, Hadron physics, QCD at finite density, Many body theory, and Fermion algorithm.


Li, Baowen (李保文) Prof., Dept. Phys, Nat'l Univ. Singapore (NUS) and Dept. of Phys. Sci & Eng, Tongji University; National Professor of 1,000 Plan; Director, Ctr. for Comp. Sci. and Eng. NUS; Director, NUS-Tongji Ctr. for Phononics and Thermal Eng. Sci., Tongji University. B.Sc. Nanjing U. '85; M.S., Chinese Acad. Sci '88, Ph.D. U. Oldenburg, Germany, 1992. Awards: 2007 World Scientific Medal and Prize; 2005 OCPA Achievement in Asia Award; 2005 Nat'l Sci. Award, Singapore; 2004 Temasek Young Investigator Award; 2003 NUS Young Researcher Award; Research: Phononics, heat transfer, thermoelectrics, nonlinear & statistical physics.


Lin, Yu (林郁) APS Fellow; Changjiang Scholar Chair Professor. Born '64 in Beijing. B.Sc., Peking Univ. '85; MS, Chinese Academy of Science, '88; Ph.D. Space Phys. University of Alaska Fairbanks '93. Assistant Professor '94-99, Associate Professor '99-03, Professor since 2003, Physics Department, Auburn University. Award: Katherine E. Weimer Award for outstanding achievement in plasma science research by a woman physicist in early years of her career, APS-DPP. Specialty, space plasma physics, magnetospheric physics, magnetic reconnection, collisionless shocks and boundary layers.


Liu, Feng (刘锋) Education: B.Sc. Materials Science, Tsinghua University, Beijing (1984), M.S. Solid State Physics, Tsinghua University, Beijing (1986), Ph.D. Chemical Physics, Virginia Commonwealth University (1990); Appointments: Chair of Dept of MSE, (2011 - present); Professor, (2007 - present), Associate Professor (2003 - 2007), Assistant Professor (2000-2003), University of Utah, Department of MS&E; Director, University of Utah, Center for Computational Design of Nanomaterials and Nanodevice (2002 - 2007); Research Scientist Univ. of Wisconsin-Madison, Department of MS&E (1995 - 2000). Postdocs: Oak Ridge National Lab, Solid State Division (1993 - 1995); Rutgers University, Department of Ceramics (1991 - 1993). Honors & Awards: 2011, APS Fellow; 2008, Senior Humboldt Research Award; 2007, Australia Research Council International Professorial Fellow; 1999, Outstanding Overseas Young Scientist, National Science Foundation of China; Research: Computational Materials Physics, 170+ publications including 50+ in Physical Review Letters.


Luk, Kam-Biu (陸錦標) Born in Hong Kong, 1953. B.Sc., University of Hong Kong, 1976; Ph D. Rutgers University, 1983; Postdoc, University of Washington, Seattle, 1983-1986. Wilson Fellow, Fermilab, 1986-1989; Professor of Physics, University of California, Berkeley, 1988-present. Assistant Dean of the Undergraduate Office, College of Letters and Scicence, UC Berkeley, 2002-2003; Vice Chair of Instruction, Physics Department, UC Berkeley, 2006-2007; Regional Secretary of the Universities Research Association, Fermilab, 2001-2011; Division Coordinator of High-energy Physics, OCPA, 2005-2012. Outstanding Junior Investigator, US Department of Energy, 1989-1991; Alfred P. Sloan Fellow, 1990-1994; APS Fellow, 1997-present; Miller Professor, 2001; Changjiang Scholar Chair Professor, Tsinghua University, 2007-2010. Hung Hing Ying Distinguished Visiting Professor in Science and Technology, University of Hong Kong, 2011-present. Research interest: Experimental particle physics and astrophysics.


Luo, Yi (罗毅) Prof. ('05-), School of Biotechnology, Royal Institute of Technology (KTH), Sweden; Ph.D. Linkoping U. '96; Postdoc, Copenhagen U.' 97; Ass. Prof., Stockholm U., '97-'00; Assoc. Prof. KTH, '00-'05. Award: Goran Gustafsson Prize 2010. Research: Molecular Electronics, molecular photonics and Soft-X-ray spectroscopy.


Mou, Chung-Yu (牟中瑜) Phys. Div. head ('07-'09), NCTS at Taiwan; Prof. ('02-), Dept. Phys,, National Tsing Hua Univ. Taiwan. Director, Physics Promotion Center, Taiwan, '06- '07. '10-; B.Sc. Natl. Taiwan U. '86; Ph. D. Caltech '93; Postdoc, Univ. of Virginia '93- '95. Associate Prof., Dept. Phys., National Chung-Cheng Univ., '95- '96; Faculty at National. Tsing Hua Univ, Taiwan since '96. Awards: NSC outstanding research awards in Taiwan, '08. Research: Protein folding problem; superconductivity; and strongly correlated electronic systems.


Ng, Tai-Kai (吳大琪) Professor of Physics, Hong Kong University of Science and technology (since 2001); Associate Dean of Science (since 2004); Co-Editor of Europhysics Letters, (since 2010); Council Member, Hong Kong Institute of Education (since 2012). EDUCATION: B.Sc. Physics, University of Hong Kong (1981); Ph.D. Physics, Northwestern University (1987); Post-doc. Fellow, MIT (1987-1989); AT&T Bell Labs. (1989-1991). HONORS & AWARDS: Croucher Senior Research Fellowship (2002); Fellow, American Physical Society (2000). RESEARCH: Theoretical condensed matter physics, in particular, application of Quantum Field Theory to condensed matter systems. Topics of interests include strong correlated electrons, non- equilibrium mesoscopic transports, quantum topological order and High-Tc cuprates.


Ng, Yee Jack (吴汝哲) B.A., Univ. California Berkeley; Ph.D. Harvard Univ. Research Associate: Inst. for Advanced Study, Princeton; SLAC, Stanford. Alfred P. Sloan Fellow. University favorite faculty award ('00, '02); "R&D star to watch", Industry Week magazine ('01); University-wide Teaching Award ('06). Director, Julian Schwinger Foundation for Physics Research. Present Position: Kenan Professor of Physics, Univ. of North Carolina, Chapel Hill. Research interests: theoretical particle physics, field theory, gravitation and cosmology, statistical physics.


Peng, Jen-Chieh (彭仁傑) Prof. of Physics, Univ. of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign. Born in Guangdong, China '49; B.Sc., Tunghai Univ. 1970; Ph.D, Univ. of Pittsburgh, '75; Prof. of Physics, Univ. of Illinois 2002-present; Los Alamos National Lab 1978-2001. Laboratory Fellow, Los Alamos National Lab, 1996; APS Fellow, 1993. Research interest: Experimental nuclear and particle physics.


Phua, Kok Khoo(潘国驹) Dr. K.K. Phua is the Founding Director of the Institute of Advanced Studies at Nanyang Technological University (NTU), Adjunct Professor of Department of Physics at National University of Singapore (NUS) and Chairman and Editor-in- Chief of World Scientific Publishing Co Pte Ltd. K.K. Phua got DIC from Imperial College, London University and Ph.D. in Mathematical Physics from Birmingham University, United Kingdom. As a theoretical high-energy physicist he did some interesting and useful work in particle physics, particularly in the field of phenomenology in high-energy collisions. He is the Founding President of the South East Asia Theoretical Physics Association (SEATPA). Together with Nobel Laureate Professor C. N. Yang and other senior physicist, he is one of the founding council members of the Association of Asia-Pacific Physical Society (AAPPS). K.K. Phua is an Advisory Board Member of Singapore-China Association for Advanced Science & Technology. He was elected as a Fellow of the American Physical Society (APS) for his contributions to research and education in physics in 2009 and was also awarded the IPS President's Award by the institute of Physics Singapore (IPS) Council, for his outstanding contributions to physics research and education in Singapore in 2006. He is an Honorary Professor at Nankai University and also holding a number of honorary professorships in China.


Pu, Han (浦晗) Associate Prof. ('10 - ), Dept. Phys. & Astronomy, Rice Univ.; Assistant Prof. ('03 - '10), Dept. Phys. & Astronomy, Rice University. Postdoc, Univ. of Arizona '00 – '03; Ph.D., Univ. of Rochester '99 B.Sc., Univ. of Sci. & Tech. of China '92. Award: Ralph Powe Junior Enhancement Award '05. Research: theoretical ultracold atomic physics.


Qiu, Jian-Wei (邱建伟) Senior Physicist (2010-now) Brookhaven National Lab; Brookhaven Professor (2010-now) Stony Brook University. APS Fellow, Member-at-Large, GHP, APS (2012- 2014). M.A. 1983, M.Ph.1984, Ph.D. 1987 Columbia University; Postdoc, Argonne Nat'l Lab (1987-1989), Stony Brook Univ. (1989-1991). Faculty at Iowa State Univ (1991-2012). SSC Fellow (1990); Outstanding Junior Investigator Award, DOE (1992); Outstanding Professor Award for Teaching Excellence in Graduate Physics, ISU (1999); Outstanding Career Achievement in Research Award, LAS-ISU (2009). Research: Theoretical high-energy particle and nuclear physics.


Tang, Jingyu (唐靖宇) Professor, IHEP-CAS and USTC; Deputy Director of CSNS accelerator. Education: B.Sc. in Physics, USTC (79-84); M.Sc. and Ph.D., IMP-CAS (84-90). Experience: GANIL, Caen, France (89-90); MEDICYC-CAL, Nice, France (90-93); IMP-CAS, Lanzhou (93-01), professor (97); FZJ, Juelich, Germany, guest scientist (01- 04); IHEP-CAS, Beijing, professor (04~). Research: accelerator physics and technology, beam applications.


Wang, Yi-Fang (王贻芳) Prof.(since '01) & Deputy Director('05-'11) & Director(since '11), IHEP. B.Sc. Nanjing Univ. '84; Ph.D. Florence Univ. '91. Research staff: INFN('91-'92); MIT('92-'96); Stanford Uni.('96-'01). ACFA member since '07; ICFA member since '11. Research: experimental particle physics, currently BESIII, Daya Bay and Daya Bay II experiments.


Weng, Wu-Tsung Bill (翁武忠) Born '44 in Taiwan. B.Sc. EE, Taiwan Univ. '66; MS, Tsing Hua Univ, '68; Ph.D. Phys. SBU '74; Post-doc, U of Arizona '74-76. Accelerator physicist, BNL '77- 83; SLAC '83-87; Senior Physicist at BNL since '87. Booster Project Head, '87- 90; Accelerator Division Head, '90-94; Chair of PAS&T Committee of NPSS/IEEE, '90-'94; Chair of PAC Conf. '99; Senior Team Leader of SNS Project Ring system, '96-'02; Head of Center of Accelerator Physics, '02-07; President, OCPA, 07-09; IPA at HEP/DOE, 07-10. Y. T. Lee Foundation Scholarship Award, '95; APS Fellow, IEEE Fellow. Specialty: accelerator physics, nonlinear dynamics, space charge effect, high power proton synchrotron.


Cheuk-Yin Wong (黃卓然) Born in Guangdong '41, grew up in Hong Kong. B.A. Princeton '61; Ph.D. Princeton '66. Fellow, American Phys Soc '78. Physicist, Oak Ridge Nat'l Lab '66-present; Niels Bohr Inst, Copenhagen '68-'69; M.I.T. '82-'83; Inst. Nucl. Studies, U. of Tokyo '88; President, OCPA '99-'00. Specialty: theoretical nuclear physics.


Xu, Nu (许怒) B.Sc., Department of Physics, University of Science and Technology of China (1982); Ph.D., Department of Physics, State University of New York at Stony Brook (1990). Postdoctoral Fellow, State University of New York at Stony Brook (1990); Director Fellow, Los Alamos National Laboratory (1994); Divisional Fellow, Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory (1997); Senior Scientist, Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory (2001-). Fellow, Institute of Physics, UK (2004); Fellow, American Physical Society (2009). Spokesperson, STAR Experiment at RHIC, Brookhaven National Laboratory (2008-); Dean, College of Physical Science and Technology, Central China Normal University (2010-). Research: Experimental study of QCD phase structure and high-energy nuclear collisions.


Yeh, Nai-Chang (葉乃裳) Professor of Physics, California Institute of Technology (since 1997). EDUCATION: B.Sc. Physics, National Taiwan University (1983); Ph.D. Physics, Massachusetts Institute of Technology (1988); Visiting Scientist, IBM Watson Research Center (1988-1989). HONORS & AWARDS: Wu Chien-Shiung Distinguished Lectureship (吳健雄講座), National Central University, Taiwan (2012); CNMM Chair Professorship, Tsinghua University, China (2012-2014); Fellow, American Association for the Advancement of Science (2007); Fellow, American Physical Society (2004); Distinguished Alumni Award, Physics Department, National Taiwan University (2003); Achievement Award, Chinese-American Faculty Association, Southern California (2001); Fellow and Chartered Physicist, Institute of Physics, UK (2001); Outstanding Young Researcher Award, Overseas Chinese Physics Association (1998); David and Lucile Packard Fellowship for Sciences and Engineering, (1992-1997); Sloan Research Fellowship, (1990-1992); Luise Meyer-Schutzmeister Memorial Award, (1986). RESEARCH: Experimental condensed matter physics, particularly in strongly correlated electronic systems such as high-temperature superconductors and novel magnetic materials, nanoscience and nanotechnology, spintronics, and topological materials such as graphene and topological insulators/superconductors.


Young, Bing-Lin(楊炳麟) B.Sc. National Taiwan Univ, 1959; Ph.D. Univ of Minnesota, 1966; Research Associate, Indiana Univ and Brookhaven National Lab., 1996-70; Assistant to Full Professor, Iowa State Univ. 1970 - 2004, 2004-present Emeritus; OCPA: 1991-92; Chair, 1993-94; Member of the Executive Council 1995-2000, Councilor- at-Large 2001-present.


Yuan, Chien-Peng (袁簡鵬) Born in Taiwan, '58; B.Sc., National Taiwan Normal Univ. '80; Ph.D., Univ. of Michigan, '88. Faculty, Michigan State Univ., '92-present; Member of CTEQ Collaboration, '92-present; OCPA: Secretary, 2004-05; Vice Chair, 2006-08; Chair, 2009-2010. Specialty: Theoretical high energy physics.


Yuan, Feng (袁烽) Physicist Division Fellow, LBNL, 2007-present; RHIC Fellow, BNL, 2007-present. B.Sc. Peking University, '95; Ph.D. Peking U., '00; Postdoc, Heidelberg U., 00- 02, Maryland U., 02-04, BNL, 04-07. Award: DOE Early Career Research Award, 2010-2014.


Zhang, Fu-Chun (張富春) Born '46 in Hangzhou, China. B.Sc. Physics, Fudan Univ. '68; Ph.D. Physics, Virginia Tech. '83; Postdoct, U. of Minnesota '83-84; U of Maryland '84-86; ETH-Zurich `86-88. Prof. U. of Cincinnati `88-06; Chair Prof. of Phys., U. of Hong Kong, '03-present. Honorary Chairman, Phys. Dept., Zhejiang U, '07- present. APS Fellow, `99; University Distinguished Research Prof, Cincinnati `02; Distinguished Research Achievement Award, U of Hong Kong, `05. Director, Center of Theo. & Computational Phys., U of Hong Kong, `05-'10; President of Phys. Soc. Of Hong Kong, '05-'07; Coordinator of Condensed Matter Division, OCPA, `02-03; Div. Assoc. Editor, Physical Review Letters, '07-'09; Editor of EPL, '07-'10; Sci. Council Member, APCTP, since '08.


Zhong, Dongping (仲冬平) Robert Smith Professor of Physics, Dept. Phys, Ohio State Univ.. B.Sc. Huazhong University of Science and Technology (HUST) '85; Ph. D. Caltech '99; Postdoc, Caltech '99-'02. Faculty at Ohio State Univ. since '02. APS fellow; AAAS fellow. Awards: OYRA; Camille Dreyfus Teacher-Scholar Award; NSF CAREER award; Sloan Research Fellowship; Packard Fellowship; Milton and Francis Clauser Doctoral Prize; The Herbert Newby McCoy Award. Research Interest: Biophysics (biological dynamics).


Zhou, Luwei (周魯卫) Prof. of Physics, Dean of Xide College, Director of Physics Teaching Lab., Fudan U.; B.Sc., Fudan, '77; Ph.D. Temple U. '86; Postdoc. UCLA '86-88. Faculty at Fudan since '88; Chair, Physics, Fudan, '95-00; Vice President, Fudan '03- '06; Dean of Graduate School, Fudan, '00-06; Chair of Shanghai Physical Society '04-'08. Specialty: Experimental Condensed Matter Physics.


ZHOU, Xing-Jiang (周兴江) Professor of Physics, Institute of Physics, Chinese Academy of Sciences, Beijing (since 2004). EDUCATION: B.Sc. Chemistry and Chemical Engineering, Tsinghua University (1988); Master, Materials Science and Engineering, Tsinghua University (1990); Ph.D. Physics, Institute of Physics, Chinese Academy of Sciences (1994); Humboldt Research Fellow, Max-Planck-Institut fur Festkorperforschung, Stuttgart, Germany (1994-1997). EXPERIENCES: Physicist and Beamline Scientist, Stanford University and Lawrence Berkeley National Lab (1997-2006); Director, National Lab for Superconductivity, Institute of Physics, Chinese Academy of Sciences (2009—present). HONORS & AWARDS: Hu Gangfu Award, Chinese Physical Society (2009); Zhou Guangzhao Award for “Outstanding Youth in Basic Science”, Zhou Guangzhao Foundation (2008); Mao Yisheng Beijing Youth Science Award (2006); Outstanding Youth Award, National Science Foundation of China (2005); David A. Shirley Award for “Outstanding Scientific Achievement at the ALS” Lawrence Berkeley National Lab. (2003). RESEARCH: Experimental condensed matter physics, particularly in strongly correlated electronic systems such as unconventional superconductors like high-temperature copper-oxide superconductors, Fe-based superconductors, magnetic and spintronic materials, low-dimensional and nanoscale materials, and topological insulators and topological superconductors.