Job Openings

Assistant/Associate Professor Positions in Experimental and Theoretical Physics at University of Hong Kong



The Department of Physics at University of Hong Kong invites applications and nominations for two tenure-track positions at the assistant/associate professor level (Ref:201100392). One position will primarily be in the field of Experimental Condensed Matter Physics, or Atomic, Molecular and Optics, or Quantum Physics. The other position will be in Theoretical Physics including Astrophysics, Condensed Matter Theory, or Computational Physics. The appointment begins from as soon as possible. Candidates with good qualifications and commitment to high-quality research and excellence in teaching are encouraged to apply.


For enquiries of the existing research activities and the specific job requirements, please write to Professor F.C. Zhang, Head of the Department of Physics (email: Please complete the online application form and submit together with a curriculum vitae, a detailed publication list, a research plan, and a statement on teaching philosophy to the Appointments Unit (Senior), Human Resources Section, Registry, The University of Hong Kong, Hong Kong. Further particulars and online application forms can be found at HRAM.HRS CE.GBL?Page=HRS CE JOB DTL&ACTION=A&JobOpeningId=201100392&SiteId=1&PostingSeq=1& .


Review of applications will start from October 3, 2011 and will continue until the post is filled. Candidates who are not contacted within 3 months from the date of their applications may consider their applications unsuccessful.


The University of Hong Kong places great emphasis on staff development to help staff develop potential, and has in place a variety of development opportunities catered for staff at different stages of career development.