
Message to the members of the American Physical Society

Forum on International Physics.

Authorized by Noemi Mirkin,




Dear FIP members:


The German Physical Society (DPG) has notified the APS Office of International Affairs of a new program for Canadian and American undergraduate physics students. The program is called "RISE" Research Internships in Science and Engineering, and provides stipends for US students to spend a summer for study/research in a German university or research institute.


Information and application guidelines are available at:




More specifically, this program gives North American students in the fields of biology, chemistry, earth sciences, engineering and physics the chance to spend a summer working with German doctoral students on research projects. The doctoral students help integrate the undergraduate directly into the lab work and serve as personal and professional mentors. All participants receive stipends from DAAD to help cover living expenses, and the partner universities and research institutions provide housing assistance.


This year there are more than 80 project opportunities in physics and DPG hopes to get as many applicants. The deadline for application is Jan 31, 2007. Given the short time frame, we would like to ask your help in advertising this opportunity for U.S. undergraduate physics students to receive international experience.


Please don't hesitate to contact me if you'd like to discuss this further, or if the Office of International Affairs can be of additional assistance.


Best Regards,

Dr. Amy Flatten

Director of International Affairs The American Physical Society


Contact: One Physics Ellipse College Park,

Maryland 20740-3844

Tel: 301 209-3236

Fax: 301 209-0865