We are presently planning to hold our bi-annual OCPA Accelerator School in the summer of 2008 (before the Olympics). Let me take a moment to update you with its initial status.
The location this time returns to Taiwan, where the very first OCPA school was held (1998). Professor Keng Liang, NSRRC Director, has approved the school in principle and Local Committee has been formed, chaired by Dr. June-Rong Chen of NSRRC. The Local Committee has started to evaluate possible school locations and to generate a first budget estimate. Timing of the school is tentatively July 2008.
The Curriculum Committee is also being formed. It is co-chaired by Drs. Ching-Shiang Hwang (NSRRC) and Chuanxiang Tang (Tsinghua, Beijing). They will soon start organizing the school curriculum. The theme this time is synchrotron radiation -- particularly timely aiming toward students for the planned Taiwan Photon Source. Like previous schools, the number of students will be about 70-75, and the total number of teachers will be around 20.